Travel business has changed a lot in recent times. The travel agencies no longer just informs the customer about the availability of the flights, their schedule, issue air tickets and get commission from the airline. Now with the online travel agent software, customers can book online. That’s why most of the travel startups are actually following the OTA model.
With these online travel software, new doors leading to profit have been opened for travel agencies. You can turn to customized package tours, holiday packages, cruises, hotel packages, tours for your locale or some specific places, and so on. You can work on your own or for another agency. You can specialize in pilgrimages, leisure travel, business travel or any niche ones. You select your sector and then you can start your own travel agency with your niche offerings.
Focusing on what best you can offer, is the key to success. Best hotels in a specific geography, top sightseeing and transfer tours. You can give them personalized service. This will make the customer take you as a reliable agency and they will feel more secure during their travel. Your customers should feel confident that you will arrange everything possible for them: hire a car, find their favourite cuisine, and so on.
Here are some points in starting a new travel agency:
Register your agency’s name and take license as per your local laws
Take membership in IATA or any other reputed travel organization
Learn about the travel industry thoroughly
Start and get your travel website development done by a professional company. You can also get a top travel software integrated.
Give maximum publicity to your new firm.
Offer the deals, which are focusing to a specific geography. Focusing on niche will bring the accolades quickly.
Take help of travel portal development company to set up the right web presence for you.
Register your travel agency in USA?
Registering a travel company in USA is rather simple, and involves filing certain applications with various government authorities and drafting some internal company documents. Before registering your company two decisions need to be made: first you need to choose what state you want your company registered in, and second you need to decide on what type of legal entity this company will be organized as (typically a choice between a corporation and an LLC – limited liability company).
Travel Application Development
PROVAB provides next generation travel booking platform for established and startup travel agencies and tour operators.
Following are the key modules of core booking engine –